Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dear me

haha...kids are funny. I know I've posted about kids quite a bit...but oh my gosh...I have a couple really good stories.

first story - Micheal (the youth pastor) was up in the nursery with Jackie and I while we were baby-sitting 3 kids. One was about 5 months, 2 were 4...ish. And Jackie said 2 the boys (the oldests)..."Guys guess whos coming" and micheal yells JESUS!!! Really loud...the baby was all happy and stuff then he yelled and her face changed so fast there was barely time to react...and she burst out into tears. So now...David...her older brother....when ever you say "david, guess whos coming?" Or just plain "whos coming?" he'll be like..."UGGGGHHHH Jesus" its really funny because he seems so unenthusiastic.

Second story - I help out with this Jr. Youth group at my church...and its mostly Asian kids, they're the best kids ever. Anyways...last night I told this kid, Frank, that if he ate a Jelly Belly he'd fly...so he took one and I picked him up and ran him around the kitchen....and he laughed so hard....then told me that he wasnt actually flying, but it was fun anyways...I love him, he's the best kid ever. Anyways...I better go.


1 comment:

Tammy Williams said...

Kids are smarter than we give them credit for most of the time.

Can't wait to see how this one inside is going to turn out.