Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Pig? or Elephant?

Yeah....so I got surgery on my nose today...it was weird. I had to be there at 12:45...and so we got there a bit early...and they let me wear scrubs...YES SAM! SCRUBS! instead of a hospital gown....and so like...1:30 1:45 or so...I went to the washroom and discovered I was having.....girl...troubles...and didnt have anything...NOT THE BEST DAY! Oh well...and the surgery was at the childrens hospital...and so I played with the toys..it was fun. But JEEZE I tell you...no respect...I was just about to start playing with Mr. Potato head...and they called me...I couldnt believe...it my favorite toy EVER and I didnt get to play with it. Oh well. Yeah...so thats about all I have to say

Friday, January 13, 2006


Evita is an amazing play! My drama teacher directed it...and invited us to the preview...SO AMAZING. I have to critique it though. but yeah...I wanted to say that...and if anyone wants to go see it its playing from now till I think its the 23rd at the pumphouse theatre...in Calgary and Tickets are 20 bucks. But Its soo worth the money!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dedicated to my dear friend....sister Samantha Castor

When you try so hard but you dont succeed when you get what you want but not what you need, when you feel so tired but you can't sleep...stuck in reverse...when the tears come streaming down your face, when you lose something you cant replace, when you love someone but it goes to waste...could it be worse? Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones...and I will try to fix you. When high like a bird but down below, when your too in love to let it go, but if you never try you never know just what your worth.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Yeah...so I've been thinking a lot lately. I miss camp so much. My friends...my camp friends are my family...and now winter weekend is cancelled...and I dont get to see them till like....August. Its not fair! k...so I had this friend...she was older than me....and her parents used to be the pastors at my church...and when she came...she was like...16ish, I was around 7 or 8...and I valued the times I had with her. Then her parents moved and she stayed here...but she moved churches and we kinda stopped talking...I dont know why...but yeah...I miss her soo much...Im turning 16 soon...and I want to be the person she was too me...the the 7 year old in my life...Teagan...shes an amazing Kid. Ange...if you ever read this...I want you to know...you encouraged me to be a mentor to kids...like you were too me. I hope you realize all that you did for me.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My future

K...so I wanted to tell you all...My future plans are...I want to go to a college called the war college. I want to work with homeless people...and thats what the war college deals with. Im so excited for it. I know....everyone thinks Im a HUGE freak because of it...but yeah. Basically...this school...its right and the street main and hastings. which Isnt the best street in the world. Everyone in Vancouver is scared to go close to this street. Lots of Drugs and Sex and yeah. I cant wait to go. If you wanna look at it... www.thewarcollege.com if you go let me know what you think. And I went and I had a tour of the whole like...3 or 4 blocks...and I was more determined to go. I cried...yes cried when I was there because I saw everyone in pain...al the homeless people.....and as a Christian it made me hurt too. So...Im gonna enclose a few pics that make me cry...and tell me what you think. PLEASE tell me what you think.