Monday, August 24, 2009

Freedom for the captives

Tonight, I went to Tehillah monday, and was really struggling at first, I actually almost left because I just wasnt feeling anything at all. But I decided to stay for a bit...and they did a talk about an aids run, and then did another one about healing and freedom...and I started thinking about Leighanne. And broke down. I just started weeping and praying for freedom and healing for her. This went on for a while...and then I left and just felt the Lord saying to go to the reservoir. So I drove to the reservoir and got out of the car and booked it down to where the water was...and I didnt know what I was doing there, all I knew is that I needed to be there...then I picked up rocks...little ones to start with, and started throwing them into the water, and each one symbolized a physical mark on her body...somewhere a prick from where she stuck a needle, the burst vein in her leg, her sores, etc. as the rocks got bigger, the reasons got bigger too. Eventually, big rocks got thrown in symbolizing Aids, Cancer, Addiction, etc. Then, I finished by building a rock sculpture thing and proclaiming it to represent new life in Leighanne. Then I drove to another area of the reservoir where you can sit in your car and look over the water, and I played the song "shout unto God" really loudly...and just yelling the words at the top of my lungs for Leighanne. I left feeling so much hope. It was a beautiful moment.

I love Leighanne so much.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Celebrate and rejoice!

Today, Leighanne celebrated her official 38th birthday! I'm so happy that I got to rejoice in this day with her. She's a beautiful Woman!

Today was also our War College graduation. Kind of a bittersweet event. I cried...a lot. My first real crying moment was looking at Leighanne as we were getting our certificates and stuff...because she was crying a lot. Then I stood up to give my testimony of what I conquered this year and broke down. I got prayed for by leadership, then went over to Leighanne and just cried on her shoulder for a long time. She told me the most beautiful thing. She told me that she blessed me in any choice I make and anywhere I go and that she'll miss me, but she's proud of me. And if you know Leighanne at all, you'll know that that is a pretty big thing for her to say. I just love her so much.

Conquerors session '08/'09

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oh! it is love

So….Im just gonna be straight up. It hit me today that War College is done in a couple days. Do you realize how scary that is? I go home on Sunday and then on to Chicago. My mind keeps thinking that I’m only gonna be away from Vancouver and 614 for a short time, like…a break…or summer assignment, and then I’ll be back but thus far that’s not in the plans. And that makes me very sad. About 4 hours ago my heart filled with great sadness. I know that the Lord has great things in store for me…but I don’t want to have to say good-bye. I just love everyone here so much, and my love has grown so much as well in the last little while. I’ve never been good at good-byes....but I feel like this is harder than the typical good-byes that I’ve had to say before. I had a conversation with a friend of mine today about how I cover stuff up with humor…and I do that too often. I literally sat here and thought about something funny to say…but then realized…I cant do that….because Im sitting here listening to my “sad-sies” playlist on itunes with a very sad feeling in my heart…so funny shouldn’t be something on my mind right now.

To all of 614 and war college who is reading this. I love you all. You have helped the Lord make me stronger in many ways and you have shown me a lot about the body of Christ, and shown me a lot of support in a lot of different areas.

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


So it's been a while since I blogged last, and Im not actually sure if anyone actually reads I dont know if it matters haha.

I'm still in Blue Island/Chicago and loving every minute of it! I'm actually working on a visa to come back for the year.

I've been incredibly inspired since being here. The youth in this division are so connected and United in Christ. Its beautiful! Whenever I'm in a worship setting with the youth in the division its something I've never seen before. It's something that brings me to tears every time, and I can't even really begin to describe it. The youth are genuinely concerned about everyones spiritual well being and its a beautiful thing. They hold each other accountable, and do what they can to help each other remain on a righteous path.

My heart bursts for joy because i know that I am never without the Lord and I wish everyone could feel the same way. The Lord is in my relationships. its beautiful! I'm becoming more bold because of it. Boldness is something I yearn for.

Let Justice Roll.