Tuesday, August 04, 2009


So it's been a while since I blogged last, and Im not actually sure if anyone actually reads this...so I dont know if it matters haha.

I'm still in Blue Island/Chicago and loving every minute of it! I'm actually working on a visa to come back for the year.

I've been incredibly inspired since being here. The youth in this division are so connected and United in Christ. Its beautiful! Whenever I'm in a worship setting with the youth in the division its something I've never seen before. It's something that brings me to tears every time, and I can't even really begin to describe it. The youth are genuinely concerned about everyones spiritual well being and its a beautiful thing. They hold each other accountable, and do what they can to help each other remain on a righteous path.

My heart bursts for joy because i know that I am never without the Lord and I wish everyone could feel the same way. The Lord is in my relationships. its beautiful! I'm becoming more bold because of it. Boldness is something I yearn for.

Let Justice Roll.

1 comment:

Caitlyn said...

I read - for the record.