Sunday, April 23, 2006


1 Timothy 4:12 says "Let no one dispise you for your youth, but set an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in Purity" - English Standard Version

If Its said in the bible that youth aren't supposed to be looked down upon, why are we? And how do we stop it? See...It may be stupid, but its something thats been bothering me all year....

1. They take Winter Weekend away from us...and are replacing it with "a weekend in prayer" at tell me....(I know most people are older than I am...but try and look back to when you were young and going to camp...and if you never went to camp...well...try and imagine.) For you....was Camp 100% to spend a week or weekend with God? Or was it more to see your friends, and as much as God helped with everything (or didnt in some situations)...Camp makes everything easier. I know that when Im having a hard time...I have trouble finding time to ask God for help when Im in Calgary, but when Im at camp...theres nothing distracting me...theres all Gods creations and everything, but theres also my friends.

2. They get all our hopes up telling us that we're having DYB at camp...but ever since they've told us that...they've cancelled it...every time!! Its not fair!!

3. They're now talking about maybe cancelling Music camp because there isnt enough accomodation, and as much as I may not be a camper at music camp....I still would hate to see music camp cancelled....because....everyone looks forward to Music camp. And Im sure that if they had the option to sleep in a tent...or to have music camp cancelled...they'd sleep in a tent.

I just wish they'd stop making us feel worthless. Stop making youth feel like we're unimportant. Or at least not as important as 95% of the worlds population.

Im really sorry if this post seems weird or anything....I've been in tears for the last half hour...and my brain isnt working properly. Just...can someone tell me if we're out of line in thinking that we have no worth, because no one is showing us any kind of care or anything. Because no one ever consults about the decisions for us? I personally dont think its right...but maybe Im wrong...maybe when people make decisions for me...I should be happy to go along with matter what it is.


~m said...

there's no guarantee this will change anyone's mind, but God still wants you to "set an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

the only thing that ever convinced someone to take me seriously was when i took myself seriously first.

youth need to do that.

Amanda said...

It's good to speak out...don't ever stop doing that!