Thursday, February 09, 2006


Do you ever hard is it for God to perform Miracles in our lives? I'd imagine it's pretty hard, considering I wouldn't be able to perform any miracles in anyones lives, then again, I cant do a whole lot...haha. But...God gives us miracles all the time, and we have the nerve to complain about the pain that Gods causing us. Maybe that pain, is the road to the miracle. So maybe if we try to work through the pain with God, we'll learn to appreciate Miracles more often. God has weird ways of working, but think for a often have you been having a bad day, or bad year, or whatever and pretty soon after something good happens? In my mind, a miracle isnt only bringing someone coming back to life, or curing someone of leprosy (spelled that wrong)...but a Miracle can be...your doing a school assignment and the printer craps out, then all of the sudden its working again, or you go in for surgery and come out perfectly fine, even when you shouldn't have been worrying in the first place. Or, getting hired at McDonalds could even be a miracle, yes, Mcdonalds. You never know, you could meet your future spouse there....or you could find someone that needs help, and you could be the one to help them, thats a miracle. Someone how has wandered from Christ and starts to slowly come back, even the baby steps are miracles. And people who you haven't talked to in ages randomly come back into your guessed it...miracles.

Just something to think about,

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