Friday, February 10, 2006

LoL lots of posts this week...its crazy. Yeah so we went to dinner at the Dureskis on wednessday. They have a 1 1/2 year old, a 5 year old and an almost 8 year old. And was fun. Julia, the youngest, started winking at us during dinner, it was one of the funniest things I've seen her do. And Teagan, the oldest came home from brownies and told us she seriously lost her hand, it was hilarious. Then of course, Shane, the middle child. Oh much to say. He and my dad were wrestling and he kept canning my dad, it was pretty funny. Oh my gosh...we had bible study last night, it was so awesome. We always watch Survivor first then do the study, and yeah...I got so much out of it. It was about todays church Vs. the church of Jesus' times. I've really been struggling with our church lately. The leadership is pretty lacking lately (sorry to anybody on the leadership team reading this). And another thing is that, all I've ever heard is "the youth is the most important part of the church" or "Youth are the church of tomorrow, and we have to respect them" but you respect. The church doesnt do anything for youth. Sure, we just hired a youth discipleship director, but nothing in that area has really changed. I love Micheal and its not his fault at all. He's awesome with youth. And of the questions last night was something along the lines of "what would todays church be like if the holy spirit was taken away from it" and you see....with some a certain extent, mine, the church is way too much about the leaders and even the services themselves. And, how much would we miss the holy spirit? Would we miss it at all? Would we even notice it was gone? Anyways, let me know what you think!


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