Sunday, February 19, 2006

Do you ever?

Do you ever feel like sometimes, you don't matter as much?
Like you try your hardest, and its never good enough
Like you have to do drastic things to get noticed?

Do you ever feel like...someone else is the number one,
and you're just there when your needed?
Like, you want to break down and cry because you feel alone?

Do you ever feel like someone you love, and should love you back,
doesnt love you as much as they should?
Like, they care about someone else that your close to better?

Or is it just me?
Am I the only one,
who feels like this?


Tammy Williams said...

When I was your age, I felt that way too. Don't worry too much about it because in the end - your life will be so rich you can barely manage it. Stay strong and keep smiling through it all.

Courtney said...

Thanks so much Tammy! That really helped.

Anonymous said...

You are not alone, Courtney, I have felt the same way many times so I do understand. When I'm feeling like that I try to remind myself that I am valuable and loved and sometimes I just have a pity party and cry. People we love let us down, but God never will.
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