Monday, May 15, 2006

The last few days

So....Saturday was a pretty good day. We went shopping. Then we had a meeting at church talking about the "future of Glenmore Temple" then right after that was quench. Quench was fun, there wasnt many people there, but it was good. We just finished a really slow and reflective song, I think it was I am to worship or something...and my cell phone rang, and it sucked, haha. Oh well! Then Brianna, this 11 year old from my church, spent the night at my house. I felt kind of bad, cause I wasnt feeling great, I was tired, and I was problems, haha, so i was pretty grumpy with her. The sunday was fun. I teach the youngest sunday school class, so we were going around and asking what their mommy's did for them. And this one kid, Eli, his answer was one that I'll always remember. He was like "she makes us, you know, in her tummy" we were like....well...yeah, thats right. We didnt really know what to say, haha. The we went up and handed out the plants to mothers and stuff as always. haha...anyways...I better go lay down.


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