Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Felt like old times

My Brother, Chad (the oldest), came over today....and him and my dad got into an argument about Drugs. Of course...Chad decides he's gonna bring out his stubborn side...and wouldnt take anything anyone had to say into consideration. So...My dad and brother stood in the kitchen arguing about their different sides. Chads side being "If Mexico makes smoking Marujana Legal, he'd be there in a second, and blah blah blah. And my dad was trying to tell him that even if it was made Legal, the police are unfair, and would throw you in Jail anyways. And then they started going on and on. Chad saying that every city should have an area just for drugs, and drug deals and stuff. Basically like Main and hastings, in Vancouver. It's funny to watch them...but really...would we really want to have a part of town that absolutely no one wants to go? That everyone is scared of? Oh well...Chad has his oppinions.

I've been listening to a few of the little shop of horrors songs. They're soo good. I'm regreting not auditioning for it at school. Oh well.

Anyways...I'm going to go watch some Television. And set my Alarm on my Cellular Telephone...haha. So yeah...ttyl!


Tammy Williams said...

Sorry to hear that there was tension in your house. I thought that Chad wasn't into that stuff anymore, but then again - I've never really met him. I hope he changes his opinions sometime in the future and that he realizes just how amazing and loving your parents really are. Is he married yet? I remember him dating a girl named Tammy for a while and I thought they were engaged.

See you soon enough,

Courtney said...

I wish they were still together. They weren't actually engaged, but they were making wedding plans and stuff...weird I know. And no, neither him or Bram are seeing anyone. Which sucks cause I want a little neice or nephew haha.