Thursday, May 04, 2006

HMMM sorry about the last post, I was quite excited about the baby being born. I honestly cried when I saw the pictures, and if you know me at isnt like me to cry if Im not hurt or upset.

My mom got some tests today, and it turns out she has Crohms disease. No biggie, but prayers...please!

Im not to sure whats going on with this boy at school. He thought I asked him out, and I thought he asked me out, but nobody asked anyone its pretty confusing. It gets a little ackward (sp?)

Im quite excited for Bible study tonight!

I better go.

Love ya,


Tammy Williams said...

WOW, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she's doing ok! I hope I will still get to see her while we're up there. Tell her that she's in my prayers!

Love Tam

Courtney said...

She's still planning to come to the shower, so yeah. She's doing pretty good, considering. She's tired, I think she's mainly sick of being stuck in the house for a couple weeks, with the odd trip to the doctors office, haha. So yeah..thanks for the prayers!