Thursday, May 18, 2006

Heres something to think about...

So...some of you know (I think) that I've been struggling to find something lately that will fill my spiritual life. I've felt a little empty for a few months, and I've always had a relationship with God, but it felt like something was missing. I realized that I havent been doing devotions that have been filling me. I've been doing fast devotions to "get it over with" and watch TV. And so a couple days ago I picked up this devotional "the purple book" written by the newsboys, and I've been working through it. And it's really been helping. I came across a question in it today that I'll probably ponder on for a while. Here it is "suppose you died, and God asked "why should I let you into heaven?" what would you say? I wasnt sure how to answer it. And I thought, and I kind of figured that I'd probably say something along the lines of "because I worked my hardest to live my life for you, and yeah, I screwed up countless times, but I never let that get in my way of you" I'm interested in what you have to say. If you dont want to comment, its all good, but I encourage you all to stop and think about what you'd say, maybe sit and turn on a CD and think about it. Thats my challenge to you.

love ya,


Jenn said...

Hey Court, I know how hard it is to feel conected with God sometimes. It's hard staying on track with devotions and prayer I find. I'm glad to hear your doing better. Now to get my butt in gear. Love ya

Courtney said...

HEY! Watch what you say about yourself. Your one of the people who help me remember to keep my butt in gear!