Saturday, March 04, 2006


HAHAHA, yeah so we had youth group tonight! It was amazing!!!!! My friend Cathy came, from school, and Simone was there, and it was sooo awesome. We had a scavenger hunt at the mall and we had stuff we had to find, but we also had to see how much free stuff we could find. And my dad payed starbucks last night for like...4 frapachinos (totally spelled that wrong) and he didn't tell them, so we had to go ask if we could get a "free" frap. and the girls working made us sing and dance in order to get it...haha so we jumped up and down singing "Oh Canada" and then this random guy came over and started jumping with us, and he was like "YAY I LOVE CAFFINE, CAFFINES AMAZING!!!" and it was hilarious. And then, we had to go into La Vie en rose and see how much a certain thong was (typical Bob McLeod thing to do) and so we got just outside the store, and Simone turns around and starts yelling at Micheal (who btw, was like...100 feet away), she was like "MICHEAL, WHAT KIND OF THONG WAS IT" and it was really loud and these people on a bench were like...UMMM...yeah it was amazing. Anyways...thats my story. Ya'll (yes I said Ya'll) should come and try youth group, and for all you out-of-towners, if you come to calgary, try my youth group, screw Berkshire....south meadows is a bit better, but Glenmore all the way!! haha...jkjk.


1 comment:

~m said...

dude, watch the berkshire bashing . . . tempting though it may be :D your dad rocks, btw! :D