Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Do you know???

I wrote this a few days ago...and wanted to share it with you..

Do you know what it's like? Because, Unless your going through it, or have gone through it, it's merely impossible to know. I don't know, I know I cry when I think about it, but I can't even bign to imagine the pain, the struggle, the regret. Did they do something to deserve something as terrible as this? They're still human, they still deserve to be treated like it. Inside, were no better than them, they've faced trials, like us, some of them may have dealt with them differen't, but they're JUST LIKE US! We should be supporting them, and trying to help them, not looking at them with disgust, or fear. If you look at them in that way, you may as well look at yourself in the same way. They're not animals, and they're not murderers, they're human, 95% of them have hearts of gold, and are nicer than you and me. Sure they have some problems, but everyone does. There is not a single person in this world that has no problem, whatsoever.

If you can figure that out...leave a comment...let me know who YOU think its about.


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