Monday, September 05, 2005

Hello my name is in case your wondering about the whole courtsney thing....Lori accidentally called me Courtsney at camp cause she had a mouthful of Chips or something...and Laura continued it. Courtsney and Skwittles...I went to say skittles...and an extra w slipped in there Hmm....lets see....some camp stories...hmmm.....k...first day of Music camp....we had a meet the counceller thing...and Arlene kept trying to convince us she was from LA...when Really...shes from Lethbridge...haha...get it...Lethbridge...Alberta...ha, was may not sound that funny though. Hmm...what else? ....... Oh yeah...I took Krystal and Laura to low ropes and we kept whipping the tarzan rope at each other. Oh...and Krystal whipped me right on the side of the face....the bottom of my arm...and umm....other theres so many stories I cant fit them all in....lets see...we went to prank the Sr. Boys...and wrecked it by tripping...landing on my water ballons...and screamed "OH MOTHER"...I know the whole oh mother thing doesnt make sense....but for some reason I started saying it at camp. and uh...yeah. night...I told Arlene I'd do devotions...and she kept making us laugh. And after everyone finally stopped laughing...I started reading a verse...or something...and all of the sudden we heard this "uhh...guys..." so we all looked up...and Arlene was sitting there with here finger in her hair...and she was like " finger is seriously stuck in my hair" was sooo funny. Yeah...anyways..thats it for a comment!



W0nT0n said...

heya coutsney.. lol... waz up... this was my fave entry.. just thought I'd let ya know.. have a good night :D... ttyl

Anonymous said...

You failed to mention what me and Stephen left for ya, well, four of you anyways. >:D

Anonymous said...

yous hairs is longs!
haha and brandon thought he had us locke din richards room. geez louise this was seriously the best year EVER! u have to write ALL the funny things down n send em to me cause i cant remember them all.