Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dear Kelly

Dear Kelly,

It's been nearly a year now. I'm sorry I never got to spend time with you. I'm sorry I never went for coffee with you. I'm sorry whenever you'd call my house drunk, I'd get annoyed. I'm just sorry for everything!! I miss you so much. You were such a beautiful person, and you were special to me. When Arden took your life, he took a piece of me too. I wish I could tell you this stuff in person, but I was to late. I was to self-centered to stop and realize how much you really cared about me, and how much I cared about you. I'm going to regret all this all my life. I miss you, and always will. I can't bring myself to take your number off my cell phone...I will always remember you. Thank you for everything you've done.

I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, Court, I miss Kelly too. I sometimes feel like I didn't do enough for Kelly either. However, we cannot go back and change how we handled that friendship and situations that we were put into, but we can learn from this. We must take our friendships seriously. We must not be afraid to share our faith.

I am so proud of you because of who you are. And what you are allowing God to do in your life.

I love you very much.