Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Hey G's (HA! thats right Im gangsta!...I've been doing that a lot lately...dont know why!..lol)

I ate lunch alone today again...so far..thats thursday...friday...I think saturday...yesterday (monday) and today. But I looked in my locker at all my friends (the pictures) and smiled...especially at Kryz and Annalise Kranenburg! oh well...sometimes being the one eating along is better than being the ones who make other people sit along right? I have to go soon...Michaels taking Simone and I to B*witched tonight. I just wanna say...all my friends from camp...you guys are all amazing (hott...eh Elisha?) and I miss you so much!!! Right now...I really miss Arlene, Elisha and Krystal...I love you guys!!!!! and Everyone else too. And Arlene...my mom and I are really gonna work on my dad to get that nose ring...if I ever come up for a weekend...thats my rule...I have to be in lethbridge in order to do it! Anyways...I really should go...ttyl! Leave comments!!!

~Skwittles (or court)~

1 comment:

Nav said...

BIG HUG! I miss you!