Thursday, September 22, 2005


Hey Guys

So I think...most of you probably know...about a year ago...we had a friend go missing...and then in november...ish...we found out she had been murdered. Well...I've actually been really struggling with it lately...the past couple days...cause, I had to send pictures from my old school computer to my email...and I've been going through those and theres a whole bunch of her from her funeral. I dont know why all of the sudden I'm bumbed out about it...usually after a couple months...Im not grieving anymore...and now...its been almost a year and Im still nearly crying about it. If you guys (if you pray)...if you could just pray for her family and friends...especially her dad...yeah. If you have any questions about it...I totally wanna answer them...i just cant stay yeah...feel free to ask questions about the murder...and anything!


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