Monday, October 02, 2006

Mosh like theres no tomorrow

And thats exactly what we did this weekend, kind of. We had youth Councils at camp, it was pretty awesome. It was really good to Actually be happy again! At least for the weekend, haha. I got to spend some time with Xavier, and with Raeleen, which made me extremely happy. Yesterday, Raeleen and I were saying good bye, and my mom was like "ok, I'm gonna slowly inch my way over to the door, and by the time I get there, you're gonna be done saying good bye" so she got to the door and we started a new Conversation, haha. And then we both were totally avoiding saying good-bye, and Rae looked over at my mom only to see her taking pictures of us, haha. But yeah, the weekend was awesome. I really got in touch with God again, and it was amazing. Saturday night, I was having a really hard time with some stuff thats going on in Calgary, and so I was crying before the session, then I went into the session and was still crying on and off, but then...they finished the message, and they had some worship, and I was totally worshiping God and Praying and everything, and I laid down, and then I felt Simone lay down beside me with her feet in my face, haha, which meant that my feet were in her face as well. And then, she came and laid like...with our heads together, and we held hands and worshipped God together, and she looked at me, and she had tears streaming down her face, and she was like "he's here, he's in this room. Can you feel him?" meaning God, and it made me cry even more cause for the longest time she's struggled with feeling the holy spirit, and then at music camp she felt him for the first time, and this time as well. And as soon as she said that I got the feeling that God was in the room. And then my legs like, started like...slightly shaking, and it was so amazing, because I knew God was there, and I knew there was a reason. It was so amazing. Anyways, thats it for now, I'll try to post pics when I get them.



Anonymous said...

That was the second time i've ever actually felt him...

Courtney said...

Thats awesome!!!! ECHO!

Caity said...

awesome. sounds like i missed a good weekend....maybe if there's a winter weekend but who knows bye kiss kiss Caity