Saturday, October 28, 2006

Crazy Calgary

I love Calgary, honestly, I love everything about it. I love the fact that I can walk out of my house in July and there could very easily be snow on the ground, or walk out in december and its 30 degrees out. I also love driving in Calgary. Its not as scary as some people think, except getting lost...getting lost in Calgary is much different then getting lost in red deer, haha. But the point of this is that today, I was off to play practise, and I had to scrape the window for the first time by myself. And yeah, I know it doesnt sound that hard, but trust me, I wanted to get it perfect! I nearly climbed up on the van in order to get all the frost, then I realized if I just turned defrost on it would get rid of the stuff. A lot of people find that kind of thing to be a hassle but I love it! I think it reminds me when I was little, and I used to want to scrape the windows, and I'd only get like...3 inches on each side and I'd think I did so good haha. Yeah, I love summer because it means no school and camp, but Winter always reminds me of the time I got to spend with my dad. When I think of snow, I think of the times that I built forts with my dad or had snow ball fights with him or going sledding, or skating. I love those memories. Anyways, I should be going.

Love ya'll


Michael D said...


I am more than willing to have a snowball fight with you.

Courtney said...

Aww. Thats so sweet. Just remember, Im gonna see you tomorrow. Beware!! The snow ball fight might start then...MUAHAHAHA