Thursday, April 09, 2009

On my mind

I've been thinking about a lot lately.

I've been praying a lot for the church as a whole. And about how as a whole, we're not really rising up to what the Lord has called us to in the word. There are pockets of the church who are and certain denomonations who are, but the entire Christian Church should be rising up to what he desires us to do. There are so many churches that just sit in their church buildings on sundays, and during the week if they have weekly programs, but what do they do outside of the church? What do they do to bring people into the church and to introduce them to the Lord? The Lord has called us to get people saved and as a whole, we're being lazy about it.

It's not just todays church either, its been happening forever. There are records of this in the Word as well. I apologize if this sounds harsh but it's just what the Lord has put on my heart recently.

Also...we were in the garden yesterday. I really like life. I like seeing new life. Living here is really hard when a lot of what you see and hear about is death, spiritual death and physical death. But there is life! There is life everywhere, it's just harder to see because sometimes its burried by death. The Garden is a beautiful representation of life. There isn't a whole lot that has sprouted yet, but it's still a beautiful place. It's great.

God is great and he has great plans for the world and for everyone in the world.

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