Sunday, March 11, 2007


So...I slept in today...and I got up too late to go to south meadows so I went to glenmore...and I got this really weird feeling...kinda like people didnt want me there because I left...and I dont know if it was just me being paranoid or if it was for real. But it was really annoying...I have this church home for 17 years and then you leave...and go back to visit and people dont want you kinda sucked. But I worked after...which made my day better...I met some cool kids. I had this group of high school students come in wanting to make a bear for their coach...which I thought was cute...and they were disapointed that not all of the team was they asked if they could put one heart from each team member they put 12 hearts in the was really cute. I think that was the hilight of my day! Anyways...thats it for now!


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog made me sad. I just hope I'm not one of the people that made you feel that way. I was glad to see you at Glenmore.

Jenn said...

Don't let it bother you court. Some times we tend to take things to personally and then find out that wasn't the intent at all. Thats what I usually do. But I wasn't there, so i really don't know you situation. Keep smiling girl, and don't let it bring you down.