Thursday, October 27, 2005


Hey anyone who reads this (haha...probably no one!)

Hows it going? well...Im sick...have been for like...a week and a bit...and let me tell frigen sucks. Anyways...I dont have all that much to say. friend started talking to me more...which is AWESOME! It's made me sooo happy...without her...theres something missing...cause I know when she doesnt talk...theres something wrong...because she's just that kind of person. I love her soooo much....and I think...if you're reading know who you are. OOO...funniest thing EVER!! Simone and I went to McDonalds on saturday and a drunk 16 year old came over and started talking to us about the stupidest he didnt remember how he got to McDonalds...and he thought he knew me...and then told me I looked like one of his Cousins...because I was wearing my **new cowboy hat** and he was like "yeah...cause my whole family are thats why you look like my cousin" soo funny...then he was leaving..and he came back and HAD to give us was very funny...but kinda creepy at the same time. I dont know if you read this or not...but I just wanna say...I LOVE YOU ARLENE!!!! OOO and I can't forget guys are sooo cool....haha...I love you! Anyways..I have quench practise I have to go.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey! I read your blog all the time...keep posting!! By the way, you did a great job at Quench on the weekend!