Sunday, March 30, 2008

God is with you

I came to the realization this dont need to be in a church service, or a christian conference or anything like that for God to speak to you, and to grow in your spirituality in an insane way. I've been in Vancouver/abbotsford since friday morning, just hanging out...but I have grown. I've been growing like...non stop since december, but this weekend has awesome. I spent friday and part of saturday with Paige (Honeycomb!!) and we just hung out...and pulled out the guitar for old times sake...and it was so random and so amazing. Then yesterday...I spend time on the downtown east side of Vancouver with some of the war college students and it was amazing. I dont know how to describe it. Its all been like...a reassurance of my calling from God. I've been trying to teach myself exactly what it means to praise God in every word you speak, every breath you breathe and every step you take...and its really starting to come alive. My crazy growth has been amazing...and I know there will be a lot more to come...and im so stoked for that.

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