Friday, February 18, 2005

Always make sure the lid is ALL the way up!

Hey...So yeah, simone and I went to jack astors yesterday....and weird stuff happens when I go to jack astors...last time...I got chicken stuck in my head and nearly died (long story) and this time...I went to dump the ketchup on my fries...and the lid closed...and there was ketchup all over the lid...inside and out...Oh my, was it ever weird....Yup. It was fun. We watched Dogeball today...Oh my freaken gosh...SO FUNNY!!! were taking a road trip when we graduate....all the way to Grande prarie...Wow....isnt that awesome? I think it is. Guess what? I love Jesus...Do you? I love my friends too. I wanna give a shoutout too...hmm...Angie, Corrine, Simone...Teresa...Kim....Kristyn...i love you all and everyone else. Just in case your wondering...No...I'm not high.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

HAHAHA....thats a funny story...I love it! Who knew you were so stupid