Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's been a while

So...since the last time I blogged...

I moved
I celebrated Christmas and new years
I got a new guitar
I had the best birthday I've had in a very long time
I've read all of the books paul wrote, Isaiah and Im currently reading Jeremiah
Broken relationships have been mended
I've admitted to the calling to officership (Yikes!)
I wrote a worship song

Ok so it doesn't sound like a lot...but I haven't blogged since October and I decided I didn't wanna let go of here i am!

I live in Vancouver, and that makes me incredibly happy. I feel like it's home now. The mountains, the ocean, and the people just make me feel so happy and at home. I miss my family and friends back in Alberta though.

God has done amazing things in my life. It's amazing how things can change when you completely open your heart to the Lord. I highly suggest it. It will change you so much.

well...i dont know what else to say right im gonna leave it there...but just know that God will transform you into something incredibly beautiful if you let him.

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