Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life is good

I've been back in Vancouver for a week and 2 days. I miss my family, but I have felt so good. I had a day that wasnt too great yesterday, but other than that, its been really good. We've been very encouraging to each other, and since being home we've really worked on holding each other accountable for everything. Its been really good. My heart and soul feel really good also. We went to the Womens Centre on teusday and it was so awesome! The ladies were so welcoming and excited to have new people. We met a girl, named felicia, and she lives in West van, and she hangs out at the womens centre all the time, so i really want to try to build something up with her. She's around our age and she just seems like she needs people in her life.

And, I've had to fix our shower hose 4 times since being home, and it just broke for the 5th time...literally right as I was writing my blog. Haha i feel sorta like Mr. Rooter. i guess its part of the experience..

Well, thats about it.

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