Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Life eh?

So....life is pretty cool eh? I think so....its awesome. Some stuff that happens really sucks....but then...well....something good happens and its all good...right? Not necisarily. Just because something good happens doesn't mean everythings better...but life is sure good with God. He totally helps you with everything that happens. I've had my fair share of problems...but prayer helps the most...of all the ways I've tried to get over my problems...prayer works the best. Trust me...I've tried screaming...punching...wanting to put holes in the walls...running away...nearly cutting (so Glad I didnt though)...but the only way that works really for me....is to crawl into my closet (yes my closet) and pull out my flashlight, read my bible and pray...While listening to Praise and worship music. If you dont pray...and your having a problem...and you feel comfortable with it...ask someone to pray for you...or with you if you feel comfortable enough. Don't turn to drugs and Alchohol...I've seen how that can destroy a family. It may feel good at the time....but in the long run...when you look back at the stupid things you've done while under the influence...you'll regret it. I'm really glad I got Jesus in my life when I did...otherwise I dont know where I'd be. I just wanted to tell you that...cause I love him...and he loves me...and when you really truly love him...you can totally feel his presence...in good times and bad times...its amazing.

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