Sunday, June 25, 2006

"this is telus long distance, you have a collect call from "Chad, we need your help Bram"...

Oh dear me, My brother makes me laugh. I just answered the phone, and thats what I heard. I dont know what it was about, because well...Bram answered the phone, made my day.

Alirght, so my weekend was awesome. I didnt get a chance to hang with Sarah, but thats alright, I got to spend time with my dad. We rode the Roller coaster, and it was freaking awesome! I hurt my neck on it though, and my arms hurt this morning, I have no idea what happened to them, but w/e. We shopped a lot, and we looked around Edmonton. We were driving through old strathcona, and there were these 2 guys getting into it, and they were sooo close to starting a fight, I was so disapointed though, cause they didnt fight.

I get to go to camp next week! And Im gone for the summer, HECK YES. I'll take pictures and try and post them stampede weekend while I'm home. But I should go.



Courtney said...

Hmm...How did I find your blog? I was looking at Joey T's blog one time and you commented on it so I clicked on it and so on and so on. So yeah. Oh, Im glad you remember my family. We think about you a lot actually.

Tammy Williams said...

Man, I hope Chad was okay and Bram was able to help!

You sound excited about going to camp for the summer. I was always so excited too. Sometimes I take out my pictures and reminisce (sp?).
