Sunday, June 04, 2006

Well, I don't post many pictures of myself that are half-decent, so this one is close enough, haha. I have a hard time smiling for pictures, I get so self concious of my smile. Ever since I was little I never liked to smile for pictures, Smiling any other time is one of my favorite things to do, but not in pictures. Thats why I often have weird faces or my dress lifted up in pictures. There Jenn, I put that one in just for you!

We went to South Meadows today. It was really good. I dont think my mom knew what to expect. Everything that happened was stuff that Alicia and I have told her would happen. Just like, no Uniforms, and coffee and snacks and stuff, just a really relaxed atmosphere, and I dont think she quite understood quite what we were saying until she actually saw it, which isnt a bad thing, when going to traditional army, Its hard to understand it, I even have a hard time sometimes, but I really like south meadows. I've thought about switching, but its so hard, my family is glenmore. My church family are at glenmore. And although most of my friends go to south meadows, I feel like I have a good support to fall back on at glenmore, just because they've seen it all, they've seen everything from my first sunday at church after I was born, to my first steps to my first words, and my first period and everything. I gave my first testimony there and stuff, and as messed up as some things may be at glenmore, I can't see myself leaving anytime soon. And it isnt to say that South meadows doesnt have that support, I'm not saying that at all, this is just a personal thing, so Im not trying to offend anyone in saying this. Anyways, thats what I have to say.

And I'll leave you with this "everyone hurts, but not everyone feels pain"


Tammy Williams said...

Great post. Love the picture - but really you should smile. It looks good on you - REALLY!

South Meadows is a lot different from the Traditional SA church, but it's comfortable. My sister Dayna and her family now go to a SA church that is similar to South Meadows only it's in Newfoundland. Anyway, I know how hard it can be to switch churches, but you must do what is right for you and your spiritual walk. We all need to be fed and if we are not getting it where we are, God understands that we must seek guidance elsewhere.

Hope you are doing well!


Jenn said...

Court. I think that you should be going to the church where you will get spiritualy fed. Listen to your heart, where is God leading you?
You shouldn't be self concious, you're a beautiful person both inside and out. Let it shine. Love you.