Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Alright, so a few people said I should smile...so here. Just for you! Horrible picture I know, but there ya go.

SoI've been in a really good mood all day, dont really know why, maybe its because I have 2 days of school left. Im pretty well done everything, except exams and stuff. And they were only 42 minute classes today because we had an awards ceremony, and a down syndrom kid graduated, which is weird only because our school is only grade 10 and 11 this year, but it was really cute, cause he was so excited and everyone was cheering and stuff, it was really cool. I almost cried, haha, Im a softy when it comes to kids and menatally handicapped kids people.

I so get to go back to camp this weekend, on sunday, because my sisters going so I get to go with her. Anyways, Im gonna go

Love you all!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

coury, I'm the same way when it comes to handi caped people. I have a soft heart for them.