Sunday, June 11, 2006

If God stepped on your house, wouldnt YOU run out

The quote in my title comes from camp this weekend. We were walking along, by the craft hall, for all of you who have been to Pine Lake, and I went and stepped on an ant hill, Cruel I know, and I said something stupid like "hey look, you step on it, and all the ants run out" well, My friend came back at me with "COURTNEY! If God stepped on your house, wouldnt YOU run out?" It was funny, sorry if it didnt come out funny! K, for everyone who didnt know, this weekend was camp staff training weekend, which was basically to get to know each other, which was really good, I think almost everyone already felt like they have another family. It was hard to say good-bye, but I think it helped knowing we'd see each other in 3 weeks, haha. 4/5 pictures in this post are of the cluster, and what we, or construction people, did to them. Yes, we painted/drew on the remains of the clusters, which were 1 and 2 B and and councellers room in both. We wanted to write messages to God, or to campers. One of my mesages was thanks, because I have had so many memories to thank God for that come from those clusters. We stood and watched them take them down last night, for like...45 minutes, we stood in awe, no one really knew what to say, well there was only like, 5 of us that watched in the group I was hanging out with, but I know of at least 2 other people that watched. I cried, a couple times this weekend for the clusters, then last night, I realized that I should be thankful to God that I got to make the memories built in the clusters, not that they're taking the buildings down. My sister also talked to me and reminded me that the clusters arent where the memory remains, the memory remains in your head. Thanks Leash!!

The weekend was actually amazing. We played a few games, sang, Lee anne Vanduinen (the DYS) did most of the sessions devotionals, and Peter did one. Oh Gosh, we played this game "I've never" and it was different than the one I played before, what it is, is someone stands in the middle of a circle and says one thing they've never done, and everyone who has done it, has to run to a different seat in the circle, and the person in the middle has to try and sit as well, and whoevers left has to say what they've never done. Apparently, in one of the groups, someone saidf "I've never been in a relationship that came from camp" or something to that affect, every single person in the circle got up, every person. Crazy. Anyways, this post is long enough, but here!

If you have a bible, throughout the next week or 2, you should try and read Nehemiah, it was the scripture on which the weekend was based, and if you dont have a bible, or access to one, let me know and we can get together.

Love ya'll!


ally said...

no worries...what are sisters for? ;)

Tammy Williams said...

NO NO NO - not the bat infested clusters! I've killed many-a-bats in those crazy clusters! Some would almost have to call me bat-woman! I for one, am glad to see that they are renovating them. NICE WORK!