Friday, June 30, 2006

One Last Post

Alright, so todays the day I leave, so I thought I'd leave you all with one last post. I dont really have too much to say, my dogs pretty sick though, we think he had a stroke wednesday night, and so he's really not doing well...Its pretty sad. But other than that everythings great. I baby-sat yesterday, and yeah.

I'm just gonna post some Pictures, some are of Julia, the girl I baby-sat, some are me, some are from camp...just Random pictures cause I got a bunch on CD yesterday, so yeah.

Here ya go!

Love ya!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Another Poem...ish

Alright, so I havent posted a Poem lately, mainly because I havent written any lately. And then this morning, I woke up, after 4 hours of sleep, only to find out that in the 4 hours I was asleep, my Dog (the older one, he's 11) had to go the Vet because he couldnt walk very well. And even now, his breathing patterns are all over the place. Sometimes it looks like he's not breathing because there are such long spaces between each breath, and other times it looks like he's hyperventelating. So I sat down at the Piano, and I started to play blessed be your name, and then I started playing other chords and stuff, and this started coming out words and all, so its a song, but yeah....and I think it might have been Gods way of telling me to calm down. So yeah, I did make it up, technically, but God was close by the whole time

When, I see your face,
I wonder why you care so much

When I hear your voice,
I wonder why you love me

But then, I pray not my will but thine
And then, I pray not my will but thine

When I feel your arms around me,
I wonder how you can love me

When I feel your love surround me
I wonder how it can be unconditional

But then, I pray not my will but thine
And then, I pray not my will but thine

And Now I feel your love Surround me
Why are you here?

And Now I hear your voice around me
Why do you love me love me love me?

And Im crying out to you
Asking your forgiveness

And now, I pray not my will but thine
But now, I pray not my will but thine


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Whos the King of the Jungle? Whos the King of the Sea?

If you were raised in Sunday school, or taught sunday school you might know where my name came from. And if goes like this

Whos the king of the Jungle? OO OO

Whos the king of the sea? bobble bobble bobble

whos the kind of the universe and whos the king of me?

His name is J e s u s And I'll stop there, as I dont remember the rest of it, haha.

Anyways, the point of this, is because, well...I just got "the king of the sea" thats right folks, I got myself a fishy. His name is howard, and its just a cheap like...3 dollar fish, but I love him, and apparently, so does my dog. Everytime I take the bowl somewhere, the dog follows, UH OH. Oh well. Howard is coming to camp with me...YAY. Thats really why I got it. It cost 20 dollars for the fish, the bowl, the net, the food and everything else, so it really isnt that bad. I think I might end up calling him Howard the Coward though, he keeps running (or swimming, I guess) everytime I look at him almost, haha. I managed to sneak a picture though, it isnt very good, but its a picture. So thats it for today!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Hey guys

Alright so, Im frustrated with people, but thats ok, Hopefully 2 months at camp will help me with that. I was at Jr. Youth group last night (as a leader), it's mostly asian kids, but its really fun. The pictures are of my little buddy, Frank. He's always right by me whenever Im there, haha, its actually quite funny. While I was there, well, afterwards, my parents were in a meeting, so I was there for an hour after, and I was laying down on the bench in our Lobby, and I started playing with the phone cord and the phone fell off and hit me in the nose, which isnt good when you got surgery 6 months before, on your nose. haha, not fun, it still hurts sooo bad, but what can you do? I should go though.

Oh yeah, I may or may not of helped simone get a boyfriend she really wanted!


Sunday, June 25, 2006

"this is telus long distance, you have a collect call from "Chad, we need your help Bram"...

Oh dear me, My brother makes me laugh. I just answered the phone, and thats what I heard. I dont know what it was about, because well...Bram answered the phone, made my day.

Alirght, so my weekend was awesome. I didnt get a chance to hang with Sarah, but thats alright, I got to spend time with my dad. We rode the Roller coaster, and it was freaking awesome! I hurt my neck on it though, and my arms hurt this morning, I have no idea what happened to them, but w/e. We shopped a lot, and we looked around Edmonton. We were driving through old strathcona, and there were these 2 guys getting into it, and they were sooo close to starting a fight, I was so disapointed though, cause they didnt fight.

I get to go to camp next week! And Im gone for the summer, HECK YES. I'll take pictures and try and post them stampede weekend while I'm home. But I should go.


Friday, June 23, 2006


So, Im in Edmonton with my dad. My mom had some....thing at someones house in edmonton this weekend, so my dad and I decided to come and spend some time together. So far, we've done west Ed, thats pretty much it, we went to the cheap theatre there, and saw Benchwarmers, HILARIOUS! I think I get to see Sarah tomorrow, YAY. Sorry to all ya'll who live in edmonton, I wanted to see like, everyone, but I wanted to spend time with my dad, and Sarah and I started making these plans for a while, so yeah...haha.

This picture is my new shoelaces that I got at Parable in Red deer, I was so excited, cause well...Their pink, and thats a big deal for me, a lot of people can back me up on that, I've never been really into pink till this year, but I only like little bits of pink at a time, haha. Oh yeah, and they have Crosses, YAY. Im happy today, lol. But I should go


Wednesday, June 21, 2006


WFSC stands for Watch For Slow Children, which is a bit of an insider, but quite hilarious. I picked up Simone tonight, and we just drove around, went to Timmy ho's (Tim Hortons) and then to petland, and then we went to Arby' pee, haha. Then we just drove, we were driving and stuff for probably 4 hours, and then we were gonna go for dinner, but her mom invited me in for dinner, so I went and had Chicken with them. was quite good. But when we were going into the Arby's Parking lot, there was a sign that said "Slow Watch for Children" and I read it wrong, and get it now Im sure. Then when we were at petland we were gonna get a fish, but decided not to. But when I got home I was like..HMM...I should get a fishy for camp, so We were trying to come up with a name for it, a name that reminded me of Simone, because Im gonna miss her sooo much while Im gone, and she she was like...WFSC! But we decided against it...Simone, we'll share the fishy ok? Still trying to come up with a name, but Im gonna go visit Laura at Petcetra tomorrow and maybe look at fishies. YAY. Tomorrow is so busy though, Im going out with Joey before she goes back to edmonton, and Im hopefully going out with Ashlee from my church, and I have to shop for camp stuff, Maybe fishy will be part of my camp shopping. Who knows! Anyways, thats my story.

Love ya'll


I heard this song on the radio yesterday and I came home and found it on the internet, and I havent really stopped listening to it. I was thinking, It kinda relates to our relationship with God. Everytime we're doing stuff God doesnt like, or approve of, its almost like you're killing him again and again, and he knows your doing it, and you know he knows, but he doesnt want to tell you to stop, and he won't leave you. He's leaving the decision up to you. I may be way off in this, but its what I get when I look at it from a Christian point of View.


If the Link doesnt work, heres the Lyrics.

Story of my life Searching for the right But it keeps avoiding me Sorrow in my soul cause it seems that wrong really loves my company Hes more than a man and this is more than love the reason that this guy is blue the clouds are rolling in because I'm gone again and to him I just can't be true and I know that he knows I'm unfaithful and it kills him inside to know that I am happy with some other guy I can see him dying I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... a murderer I feel it in the air as I'm doing my hair preparing for another day A kiss up on my cheek He's here reluctantly as if I'm gonna be out late I say I won't be long Just hanging with the girls A liar didn't have to tell Because we both know where I'm about to go and we know it very well cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful and it kills him inside to know that I am happy with some other guy I can see him dying I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... a murderer His trust I might as well take a gun and put it to his head Get it over with I don't wanna do this Anymore (anymore) I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... a murderer (a murderer) No no no no Yeah yeah yeah

Monday, June 19, 2006


K, so can I get some prayer on wednesday? I have my science Final, and I need to get a really good mark, which to be perfectly honest, isnt likely, I havent passed a single test in science yet, and Im so confused, and Im almost in tears because I think Im gonna have to take grade 10 Science again next year, which I guess isnt a terrible thing, but..UGH...I just need to be calm I guess...clear my mind...but its just so hard! I just wish that it didnt have to be so hard! Oh well. I have to go. ttyl


Yeah...just so ya'll know, this face makes me smile , even when I feel crappy, like right now for instance. Jenn, you have a beautiful baby, and your so lucky!

Friday, June 16, 2006

This is just for Jenn!

K, Jenn...I took these pictures just for you!

I went to See Ange today, and told her I wanted it a little shorter, kind of a trim, and then I told her I trusted her, and this is how I left. I love it though. It feels soooo weird! Jenn, I thought you especially would enjoy these pics. It made me miss you more though!!!


Thursday, June 15, 2006

What an exciting week

K, sooo...This week was pretty good. Nothing really out of the ordinary, until it got to yesterday, oh and Camp last weekend too. So, Yesterday, I got home from school, I hung out for a bit, had dinner and everything, and I signed onto msn and Simone was on, so I asked if she wanted to go out, and I'd pick her up. So I said I'd pick her up at 6:30. so at 6:20, I attempted to leave my house, when I started the car, I started driving away, and I looked over at my brother only to see him waving me over. It turns out, I skided (sp?) past his car, and took some paint off of it. He wasnt mad or anything, he didnt really care. My parents weren't home, so I left, Picked Simone up like...5 or 10 minutes late, and we went to the mall...and one of her friends works at a car wash, so we went to see him and he gave us a free car wash. So we then came to my house, and I believe my words were "Umm...Mom, Dad, I washed the Car, for free....And I scratched it" I was sooo scared, I was scared I was gonna lose my driving privlages, but they said to learn from it, and that its only a car, and at least I didnt get hurt. I was so relieved, but I still felt soooo bad, when we were at the car wash I was hoping it would take the paint off, but it didnt, it made it more visible. But w/e. We figure it can come off with a little work. So I figure I'll try and figure out how to take Paint off, and do it myself, since its my fault, does anyone have any suggestions? Anyways, the Pictures attached are some of Camp, and some of yc, YAY!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dedicated to the Clusters

Well, my dear clusters, your all gone, your in heaven now. I will miss you dearly, every part of you, even the BATS...EWW. You've brought many good memories, and I love you.

Thanks for the memories!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Alright, so a few people said I should here. Just for you! Horrible picture I know, but there ya go.

SoI've been in a really good mood all day, dont really know why, maybe its because I have 2 days of school left. Im pretty well done everything, except exams and stuff. And they were only 42 minute classes today because we had an awards ceremony, and a down syndrom kid graduated, which is weird only because our school is only grade 10 and 11 this year, but it was really cute, cause he was so excited and everyone was cheering and stuff, it was really cool. I almost cried, haha, Im a softy when it comes to kids and menatally handicapped kids people.

I so get to go back to camp this weekend, on sunday, because my sisters going so I get to go with her. Anyways, Im gonna go

Love you all!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

If God stepped on your house, wouldnt YOU run out

The quote in my title comes from camp this weekend. We were walking along, by the craft hall, for all of you who have been to Pine Lake, and I went and stepped on an ant hill, Cruel I know, and I said something stupid like "hey look, you step on it, and all the ants run out" well, My friend came back at me with "COURTNEY! If God stepped on your house, wouldnt YOU run out?" It was funny, sorry if it didnt come out funny! K, for everyone who didnt know, this weekend was camp staff training weekend, which was basically to get to know each other, which was really good, I think almost everyone already felt like they have another family. It was hard to say good-bye, but I think it helped knowing we'd see each other in 3 weeks, haha. 4/5 pictures in this post are of the cluster, and what we, or construction people, did to them. Yes, we painted/drew on the remains of the clusters, which were 1 and 2 B and and councellers room in both. We wanted to write messages to God, or to campers. One of my mesages was thanks, because I have had so many memories to thank God for that come from those clusters. We stood and watched them take them down last night, for like...45 minutes, we stood in awe, no one really knew what to say, well there was only like, 5 of us that watched in the group I was hanging out with, but I know of at least 2 other people that watched. I cried, a couple times this weekend for the clusters, then last night, I realized that I should be thankful to God that I got to make the memories built in the clusters, not that they're taking the buildings down. My sister also talked to me and reminded me that the clusters arent where the memory remains, the memory remains in your head. Thanks Leash!!

The weekend was actually amazing. We played a few games, sang, Lee anne Vanduinen (the DYS) did most of the sessions devotionals, and Peter did one. Oh Gosh, we played this game "I've never" and it was different than the one I played before, what it is, is someone stands in the middle of a circle and says one thing they've never done, and everyone who has done it, has to run to a different seat in the circle, and the person in the middle has to try and sit as well, and whoevers left has to say what they've never done. Apparently, in one of the groups, someone saidf "I've never been in a relationship that came from camp" or something to that affect, every single person in the circle got up, every person. Crazy. Anyways, this post is long enough, but here!

If you have a bible, throughout the next week or 2, you should try and read Nehemiah, it was the scripture on which the weekend was based, and if you dont have a bible, or access to one, let me know and we can get together.

Love ya'll!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Just one thing to say!


(to the tune..) anybody but edmonton, aaaanybody but edmonton, aaaanybody but edmonton - Composed by Bob McLeod, my daddy, but sung by anyone.

PS...Jesus is better than hockey


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Good times

The above pictures are my social time...well spend. I think anyways. I was pretty bored, and I write on my arms when Im bored. I cant drive for well, 2 days now I guess, cause my mom and sister took the van to medicene hat, and Im already going crazy. Oh well.

I go to camp on friday!!! Im so excited!

I dont really have much to say, so thats it!


Sunday, June 04, 2006

Well, I don't post many pictures of myself that are half-decent, so this one is close enough, haha. I have a hard time smiling for pictures, I get so self concious of my smile. Ever since I was little I never liked to smile for pictures, Smiling any other time is one of my favorite things to do, but not in pictures. Thats why I often have weird faces or my dress lifted up in pictures. There Jenn, I put that one in just for you!

We went to South Meadows today. It was really good. I dont think my mom knew what to expect. Everything that happened was stuff that Alicia and I have told her would happen. Just like, no Uniforms, and coffee and snacks and stuff, just a really relaxed atmosphere, and I dont think she quite understood quite what we were saying until she actually saw it, which isnt a bad thing, when going to traditional army, Its hard to understand it, I even have a hard time sometimes, but I really like south meadows. I've thought about switching, but its so hard, my family is glenmore. My church family are at glenmore. And although most of my friends go to south meadows, I feel like I have a good support to fall back on at glenmore, just because they've seen it all, they've seen everything from my first sunday at church after I was born, to my first steps to my first words, and my first period and everything. I gave my first testimony there and stuff, and as messed up as some things may be at glenmore, I can't see myself leaving anytime soon. And it isnt to say that South meadows doesnt have that support, I'm not saying that at all, this is just a personal thing, so Im not trying to offend anyone in saying this. Anyways, thats what I have to say.

And I'll leave you with this "everyone hurts, but not everyone feels pain"

Friday, June 02, 2006

"Gosh! You guys are retarded!"

For those of you who don't live in TV world, the above line is from the funniest movie ever created, the one, the only...Napolean Dynamite. Heck YES! Oh dear, my sister and I rented it, we got the special edition, and we were watching the special edition, and we were watching the special features at the end, and it showed the guy who played Napolean Dynamite, and we decided how to rate guys. I told my sister that Earthquakes were measured on the RICTOR scale, and we decided guys had to be rated on the VICTOR scale. For everyone who doesnt know Victor, he is the hottest guy ever. He's the Program director at camp this summer, and he's amazingly hott, so yeah.

So I went out with Simones family the other day, and accidentally ate a pepper and cried, totally unintenionally, but thats alright, it isnt the first time I've made a fool out of myself in front of people.

OOO...can you all pray for friends of my family? Their mother just passed away, and it really sucks.

I'm sooo excited to go to florida, and ride on the hollywood tower of terrors, its the most amazing ride ever.

I go to camp soon...YAY


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Another song

I dont know if you've noticed or not, but music has a HUGE influence on my life. Not really the people that sing the music, but the words. I was listening to this song on the way to Edmonton, and started thinking about the words.

Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is going to change
I closed my eyes, begin to pray
Then tears of joy stream down my face
With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everythingWith arms wide open
With arms wide open Well I don't know if I'm ready
To be the man I have to beI'll take a breath, I'll take her by my side
We stand in awe, we've created life With arms wide open
Under the sunlight Welcome to this placeI'll show you everything
With arms wide open Now everything has changed
I'll show you love I'll show you everything
With arms wide openWith arms wide open I'll show you everything ...oh yeah
With arms wide open... wide openIf I had just one wish Only one demand
I hope he's not like me I hope he understands
That he can take this life And hold it by the hand
And he can greet the world With arms wide open...With arms wide open
Under the sunlight Welcome to this place I'll show you everything
With arms wide open Now everything has changed I'll show you love
I'll show you everything With arms wide openWith arms wide open
I'll show you everything... oh yeah With arms wide open....wide open

What this means to me, is that, it doesnt matter what God gives us, good or bad, or even if we're unsure if its good or bad, we HAVE to accept it with Arms wide open, no hesitation, no wondering "if we did this differently" or anything. Lifes scary, but what other reasoning do we have to be on earth than to show people how to deal with things in the correct way? It's alright to be scared, its the human thing, but its how we deal with that fear. I think the guy singing this song is dealing with it in a good way. He's scared, and he talks about how he doesnt want his son/daughter to turn out like him, but he's still going to be there. It shouldnt matter how much the situation might change your life, you still need to accept it.