Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So...I've noticed over the last few weeks...I've gotten really protective of the younger youth in youth group. Like...If someone says something around them and its not something for a 12/13 year old to be hearing...I get really defensive and stuff...its really weird. Like...one of them asked what promiscuous means...she's 12...she shouldnt even know the word...forget about the meaning. Its that gosh darned music and TV I tell you...its such a bad influence. It's been really confusing me though...like...is it normal to get so protective? And its not just youth group...its like..with Xavier and other kids too. Its really weird. Anyways...thats my 2 cents.


Good or bad?

So...Apparently...I'd make a funny drunk. All week all I've heard is "are you sure you weren't/aren't drunk?" haha.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


So...tonight was pretty fun. I went to a movie with some ladies from my church. When they all got there I looked around...I was the only one under like...20...and they were all people I dont really know very well...except for a couple....so I was like....UHHHH...but it was actually pretty fun. We went and saw music and lyrics...which was absolutely amazing! But yeah...that was my night...I think...if I got invited to one of these girls things again...I'd consider going. Its also a good way to get to know people when they arent in the church mind set...cause like..at church...a lot of times its all small talk...so it was cool to get to know some people. Anyways...thats about all i have to say.


Saturday, February 24, 2007


So I went to my friends birthday party tonight...and my other friend and I got extremely hyper...so much so that people asked if we were drunk...haha. But Im the Christian of the group and of course I didnt drink...no one did...but...really...I think Im the only one in the group that hasnt...which kinda makes me proud, haha. But yeah...Nicole and I jumped in the snow and then rolled down a hill...and then came in and laughed for like...an hour...and we're cold. We went with no shoes on too..so my socks are wet. But I text messaged her and was like "haha remember when we got trashed and jumped in the snow?"....is it a bad thing to say that if your not actually drunk...and hadnt been drinking at all? Then we had another chocolate egg eating contest and I put 11 chocolate eggs in my mouth...but she won with 15 eggs...oh well. It was a really fun night that I really needed. And the best part is...when I talk to my brother tomorrow and he cant really remember his night...I can tell him I had just as much fun...but I actually remember it...and I didnt throw up because of it...and Im not suffering from a hangover...haha...it'll be fun!

This is officially my 200th post...Im pretty excited.

Now Im tired...so Im going to bed!

My theme song....

So last weekend...I declared this song as my theme song...its called surrender and its by vineyard worship.

I'm giving you my heart
And all that is within
I'm laying it all down
For the sake of you my king

I'm giving you my dreams
I'm laying down my rights
I'm giving up my
For the promise of new live

And I surrender it all to you, all to you
And I surrender it all to you, all to you

I'm singing you this song
I'm waiting at the cross
And all the world holds still
Counting all that love

The sake of knowing you
The glory of your name
To know the lasting joy
Even sharing in your past

And I surrender it all to you, all to you [8x]

Thursday, February 22, 2007

yay woot woot

I...got the build a bear Job...


I had my job interview at build a bear yesterday. I got home and they called me for a second interview...which as far as I know...is a good sign. SO Im pretty stoked.

Did you know pepto-bismol comes in pill form?

Im tired

Im not really feeling well

Im leaving...bye!

Monday, February 19, 2007

As promised.

I said I'd post my memories, haha. So, here we go. Alicia and I went up to Winter Weekend Early in order to help Marty and Raeleen and Marty out by watching Xavier (such a hardship eh?). And Xavier was So excited. We had snow ball fights, made snow angels, and we packed down some snow on a snow bank so it was a slide...and we slid down that over and over and over again, haha. It wasnt that big to me, but I guess to a 2-year-old it was the coolest thing ever. Then we played hide-and-seek. And then Raeleen came up to the house for a bit to make dinner, and she made us some too which was nice. Then we were praying...and as we were praying Xavier went to be funny and grab his moms fork and hide it...and so I believe our prayer went like this "God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food DON'T TOUCH MY FORK AMEN." It was really quite hilarious. Another memory was my conversation with God. Another memory was...going to scotties only to find out that they dont have any smarties explosions. Hmm...what else? saturday night, Allison and I danced, I think I said that in my last post, it was freaking amazing. Toes, we have to go dancing. Hmm...I was walking down a hill yesterday and I didnt realize the snow got deeper, so I was walking down and my boots were the only things getting covered, then all of a sudden Im knee deep in snow. Good times. it was really funny. And then the only other thing I can think of at the moment is this. Raeleen made dinner for us again last night, but this time it was her family, my parent, Alicia, Biff, Peaches and I...and she went to open the ketchup and it exploded all over her. Classic moment in the materman household. Oh man, Raeleen and I get along so well...we're like sisters. You should have seen us in the kitchen together. Oh dear, anyways...I'll leave you with some pictures and be on my way. ttyl

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Winter weekend

Winter weekend was amazing. There was this one thing that happened that kinda...didnt go to well. You see...God and I had a conversation on friday night during worship...and he told me that I needed to give up a friendship that I have had since I was...13...I think. And the last few months have been really bad for this friendship. And she was at winter weekend...so we talked on saturday...and I told her that We cant be friends anymore because the pain she has been causing me has been making it harder to maintain a healthy relationship with God, which is so true. And Actually...after we talked...I feel like this burden was lifted off my shoulders. I lost a good friend...but it feels so right. I was actually able to enjoy the rest of my weekend. We had a concert on saturday night...and Allison and I did so many old dances to the music...the macerena(sp?), the sprinkler, the shopping Cart and then we made up some dances haha. It was...embarassing, but amazingly fun. And it was such a great weekend to connect with God. So many memories...but Im to tired to post them...tomorrow!

Love ya'll,

Friday, February 16, 2007

The following photos are...

A pure sign of Anticipation. ITS WINTER WEEKEND TODAY!!!

Stop...its Baby time

So..my friends Baby is FINALLY HERE! She was born yesterday at 12:50 AM after 4 hours of labour. She is 8lbs and 9oz. Her name is October...I believe the middle name is rose. No pictures yet...but soon hopefully.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Burger king...

So...I applied at 6 places...5 today and 1 yesterday. Burger King had a booth set up at my school yesterday so I filled out an application just for the fun of it...and they called me for an interview today. Its not exactly my ideal...but I guess its a job right? I also applied at build a bear...the Childrens place, please mum, bluenotes and the body shop. The body shop they'd call me next week...and the others I havent heard from...but it hasnt even been a full day...so its all good. Im hoping I'll get a call from either build a bear or the childrens place this weekend. Anyways...thats my story...haha not very exciting but its a story.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines day...

Its so depressing if you dont have anyone to celebrate with. Its never bothered me before this year...I dont know why...I know boys are overated...but It would be nice to be able to spend valentines doing something other than working out...eating popcorn...and watching tv...by myself...I might add. Its weird...oh well.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Gosh darn Anticipation

AHH...my friend is suppsoed to be induced today...and she told me she'd let me know...and I know i probably wont know about the baby for a while...but Im so Anxious! Im so excited...yet so nervous...she's only 16. But I am very proud of her...she wants to keep it and she never even thought of aborting it. Anyways...I should go.


Sunday, February 11, 2007


So...Im applying for a job this week. Its the first "real" job I've ever actually applied for. I've worked at camp...which is a real job, but you know...and I've worked with this guy from my church for like...a month...but it was more of a favour for him...he paid me from his own pocket and stuff...so its pretty exciting...and nerve racking. My daddy took me shopping today for clothes...cause for those of you who know me...I dress like a slob...haha my jeans have holes in them and I always wear hoodies, haha...so its a bit of a change wearing dress pants and dress shirts...but I could get used to it. Im applying at build-a-bear and the Childrens place (a clothing store for kids) and Im super excited...and if I dont get hired at either place I'll start looking elsewhere. Anyways...thats my news...ttyl

Friday, February 09, 2007

Me and my sister!

I know I've posted stuff like this before...but I just wanted to say that I really love my sister...and Im so glad we're friends. Heres some pics of us growing up! Sorry there out of order!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


As you might have been able to tell by my last couple of posts...I've been pretty upset...and when Im upset and I dont know how to describe it...I use songs....and scripture...so thats why my last couple of posts havent been real posts. I've been upset because Im losing one of my dear friends...its been coming for 8 months or so, but it just keeps getting worse and its really getting to me. So I was upset about that...and then yesterday...the day of the mother mood swings on my part...I found out that Stephen Court and Danielle Strickland are moving to Australia. I was so upset...some of you dont know them...some of you do...but they live in Vancouver and run the war college...the school Im planning on going to. I know God is going to put them to good use in australia...but for some reason it just hit me hard. I dont even really know them...but I have looked up to them since I was 14...and sucks a lot! But thats what happens when you go to the army I guess. So thats my explanations of my last couple posts.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I didn't know if I would ever feel the same
The way I used to feel before you'd gone
I didn't know if the ache would ever go away
I only knew I had to go on

I know I should've noticed it was coming
But I just wanted to pretend I was blind
I don't know if you ever really loved me
Or maybe you were just passing time
Well I guess you'll never know
But I've finally let you goĆ¢‚¬
And the rain may be falling on my window
But I feel like I'm coming alive
Yesterday I was trying so hard not to cry
But today I feel fine
Let it rain

I know you always thought I'd stay here waiting
Just in case you wanted to come back
But you never thought I might start healing
And maybe I just would not want you back
Well I guess you'll never know
But I've finally let you go

Monday, February 05, 2007

Today sucks!!

UGH...I've had the worst day ever! Im tired...Im frustrated and Im really upset. Its been crappy all together. I just need to vent. Im so angry and I dont even know why! Actually...I've been feeling like this for a few days...and I hate it. I just dont understand! Anyways...thats it. My highlight of today was hearing the newest word of my Vocabulary....Mastercating. It means to chew...It makes me smile

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Theres a time for everything...

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace


Happy birthday Sarah! You're such a beautiful person and Im so happy you might be coming to my house! I hope you have a great birthday...you deserve it.

Friday, February 02, 2007


I've had an AMAZING birthday...its just been so good. Im now officially 17...WOOHOO. Im not actually that excited about it, haha. I got the beverly hills 90210 season one box set...full house season 5, a napoleon dynamite calender...AND an HMV gift card...how exciting! My drama teacher was gonna try an get birthday cake...but couldn't get one...oh well! Oh...one last thing...HAPPY (early)BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


When I was really down and upset..I emailed a really good friend of mine...and she quoted this song. It means a lot to me now

You can spend your whole life building something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway
You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach and you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway

God is great, but sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray it doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway

This world's gone crazy and it's hard to believe that tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway
You can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons, and in a moment they can choose to walk away
Love em' anyway

You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in that tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway, sing it anyway

I sing, I dream, I love, anyway