Friday, December 15, 2006

Consuming fire

K so heres the deal. sometimes I feel as if there should be more to my life then what there is. And I ask God for help. I have a God time, and that space is filled. There are times when I stop and think about this, and I ask myself if it makes me a bad Christian, because its almost as if Im fading in and out of Christianity and God-like Behaviour. I've come to a few conclusions, A- I am a Teenager, I have a few mistakes that Im allowed to part of the teen life... B- I am human, meaning even more mistakes that Im allowed to make and C- well...there is no C. The thing is...there shouldnt be an A or a B, there should just be a G...(get it...G for God...haha...alright not so punny), but seriously. God expects us to make mistakes. Its how we deal with it. Now I've been listening to the song Consuming fire by Tim Hughes a lot lately, and Im gonna leave you with the lyrics. I dont want you to just read the lyrics. if you have the time...I want to see what you think.

Verse 1:
There must be more than this
oh breath of God come breath within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for you
Fill us anew we prayFill us anew we pray

Consuming Fire
Fan into flame
a passion for your name
Spirit of God fall in this place
Lord have your way
Lord have your way with us

Verse 2:
Come like a rushing wind
Fill us with power from on high
Now set the captives free
leave us abandoned to your praise
Lord let your glory fall
Lord let your glory fall
(repeat chorus)

1 comment:

Laura said...

I would have to agree with you, Courtney. It is completely normal to have "good God times" and "bad God times". We are human, after all.

You may not necessarily be able to relate to this, but I have been learning so much about what it means to love God thought loving Stefan. (It makes sense, since the Bible uses the marriage analogy all the time to describe our relationship with God.) Anyways, even though I am always with Stefan, and I always love him, there are times when I seem more "in love" with him, times when I seem to rely on him more for strength and support - and having spoken to my parents about it, it is apparently normal. It does not mean that I love him any less, it just means that I am human. I think it is the same with God. I'm not sure if it makes it right. . .but it definitely happens.

As for the song, I absolutely love it. And there are so many songs written describing a renewal with God, so it must be something that everyone experiences, not just you! My favorite songs about this are "Spirit of the Living God" (traditional) and "Alive in this moment" by Starfield. If you haven't listened to the lyrics in awhile, do it!!! It is amazing. It's about falling away from God for a time and then experiencing Him anew. My favorite line is "once again for the very first time my eyes are opening."

Anyways, I have rambled on far too long. I should head for bed.

Merry Christmas!!!