Thursday, October 27, 2005


Hey anyone who reads this (haha...probably no one!)

Hows it going? well...Im sick...have been for like...a week and a bit...and let me tell frigen sucks. Anyways...I dont have all that much to say. friend started talking to me more...which is AWESOME! It's made me sooo happy...without her...theres something missing...cause I know when she doesnt talk...theres something wrong...because she's just that kind of person. I love her soooo much....and I think...if you're reading know who you are. OOO...funniest thing EVER!! Simone and I went to McDonalds on saturday and a drunk 16 year old came over and started talking to us about the stupidest he didnt remember how he got to McDonalds...and he thought he knew me...and then told me I looked like one of his Cousins...because I was wearing my **new cowboy hat** and he was like "yeah...cause my whole family are thats why you look like my cousin" soo funny...then he was leaving..and he came back and HAD to give us was very funny...but kinda creepy at the same time. I dont know if you read this or not...but I just wanna say...I LOVE YOU ARLENE!!!! OOO and I can't forget guys are sooo cool....haha...I love you! Anyways..I have quench practise I have to go.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mad, Sad and confused

Guys...I dont of my absolute best friends is being really grumpy with me...and I think she hates me...and I dont know why...I dont know what I did to make her mad...all her msn names seem so happy...but when I talk to her...she gets mad and AGH...I hate this! I feel like Im losing her...and I dont want too...shes sooo cool...and shes just...awesome. I left my house one time super early to go and spend time with her before a wedding...and now she hates me? What the Heck?!?!?! I try and be a good friend...and she shoves me away...why?!?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Romans 8:37-39

"No, all these things were more than conquerers through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither life nor death, neither Angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This basicly says nothing can take us from the love that God shows. Now...I'm not disagreeing with that in anyway....but what I do want to say is....if thats so...why are a lot of people all like "no one loves me" and everything like that? Personally...I think its because they block that particular love out...because they're scared of it...or they're ashamed or something...Im not really sure. Off the topic of Gods love a bit...I think people ignore God when he's trying to talk to them...and no...not just some people...everyone does it...maybe not all the time...but everyone does it...mostly when he's trying to tell you something you really dont wanna hear. But Im actually talking about people feeling convicted and tried...but pushing that aside...people that arent Christians...and say they hate almost everything to do with Christianity. I dont know where Im going with Im gonna stop there before it turns into a whole bunch of pointless ramblings. But if you have comments on what I me...leave a me...I want to hear from you!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Hey yc was soooo good. I got so much closer to God....and friends. was AMAZING to see you! Remeber to keep in good contact with Ray. Yeah...I got hit in the face with a tetherball...I was winning too!! I hit the ball...and it wrapped around the pole and came back to hit me across the face...WHICH by the way....still hurts! That was yesterday....and It still hurts. The sessions were so spiritual...I was in tears everyday...not many people (if any) cried today....except me...but that was for kinda personal reasons which Im not gonna say right now. AHAHAHA!! Funniest thing EVER! Simone and I were sitting in the back seat on the way up to camp....and my mom slammed on the brakes...and the WHOLE bench went forward...we screamed almost as much as were did on the Hollywood tower...So after that we kept playing with it. It scared us though like everytime it went forward...but whats a ride up to camp without a couple scares right? Everytime it would fall forward we'd push really hard backwards and the seat would tilt back...and our feet were like...dangling was amazing! But my mom got Micheal fix it before we came home...what a bum...who cares if its Illigal?? If we wear our seatbelts were fine cause the luggage was holding us up so we couldnt fall back to far. It was very fun though. Oh...and just to add to the mom gets lost on the way to come...32 YEARS OF DRIVING TO CAMP...this is the first time she's ever got lost. It was shes hitting the breaks and simone and I are flying forward and then she accelerates really fast and we fly back. Funnest one ever though I think was when the bench went up further than ever....and it didnt stop for like...10 seconds...which...I know doesnt so long....but when your used to going up so far...then all of the sudden it moves up like...3 feet more...its scary! I tried to Kill Sammy...AGAIN (Apparently)! Yeah...and Sam kept getting mad cause I was taking pictures up her nose...apparently...haha YOUR MOM! lol...Move your butt.....Move your was amazing. Anyways...Thats enough for now. NAV I MISSED did everything go in calgary???
